ovice Update Information January 2024

January 9, 2024

New Features to Make Conversations More Engaging

Announcing new updates for January 2024 

■Click here for previous information: ovice update information for December 2023

1. Virtual Avatar

In response to requests for more privacy during video calls, we have released a "Virtual Avatar" feature that allows you to easily transform into an animal when using a video call!

▲Conversation using virtual avatar

Using virtual avatars can add a little fun to video calls - the animal's expression changes according to its facial movements, so you can express your natural reactions while using a virtual avatar!

▽Please see the article below for details.
‍ ovice Help Center | Virtual avatar feature released

2. Added Permission Settings to the Live Avatar Function

The live avatar function, which displays live video inside the avatar, is useful for people who don't want to make a formal video call, but want to communicate with others using their facial expressions.

Admins can now choose the permissions to allow the use of live avatars! The default value is set to ‘All Users,’ but you can select from 4 options: `All Users,' `Admins Only,'  ‘Members and Above,' and `Disabled.'

By using this function, you can also help protect your privacy by preventing participants from unexpectedly showing their faces at events, etc.

▲Can be selected from the pulldown on the management screen

▽Please see the article below for details.
‍ ovice Help Center|We have released updates to the live avatar function, etc.

Public API

Many users experience trouble managing the various online tools that have been introduced with the spread of remote work.

Additionally, a survey conducted by oVice in October 2023 (Japan only) found that approximately 90% of large companies use multiple online tools, but only about 30% of employees are able to use them effectively.

Survey URL (available in Japanese only): https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000192.000058507.html

Based on feedback, we are happy to announce the release of Public API. By utilizing the public API for receiving notifications from external web services and customizing it to suit your company, you can integrate ovice with other tools!

By using the public API, notifications from various tools can be aggregated on ovice, such as notifications when messages from email and chat tools arrive, and notifications for approval applications through web tools.* 

*To receive notifications, you’ll need to develop a system that uses API functions.

▲Image of receiving notifications from Slack on ovice using public API

In the future, we plan to release various "public APIs" such as APIs for changing the status of ovice and APIs for changing the emojis displayed on avatars!

▽Please see the article below for details.

ovice Help Center | Public API

Improved UI of Menu Bar and Toolbar

Some of you may have had difficulty explaining how to connect to or leave a meeting object to someone using ovice for the first time.

We have once again improved the UI of the menu bar and toolbar! It's now easier than ever to do things such as copy space URLs and provide shortcuts to meeting objects.

With this UI improvement, in addition to making it easier for first-time users to operate it intuitively, we have also made it easier to show locations.

▲You can now easily copy the space URL by pressing the link icon.

▲Screenshare object shortcut (second from the right on the toolbar) also appears

▲You can disconnect from the meeting object using the “Exit” button

▽Please see the article below for details.

ovice Help Center | UI improvements for menu bar and toolbar have been released.